Our Values

Our Values

Kinship Connections facilitates healing and growth for Aboriginal people (children, families and communities), particularly those who are or have been involved in, or connected with, the fostering and care systems. We do this by delivering a suite of interconnected programs. These programs are based on our commitment to the following principles:

  • That belonging to community is a key factor underlying healing.
  • That a thriving community can provide opportunities for a recovering person to gain a sense of personal power.
  • That individuals can be supported to use their skills and generosity to create Aboriginal culturally safe homes and communities to which the next generation can safely belong.
  • That our definition of “community” includes all the people who are involved in or impacted by Fostering and Care services for Aboriginal people. Decision makers in the government and non-government agencies and departments are members of our community.

Our Vision:

A world where all Aboriginal children and young people are standing strong with the knowledge of their kinship connections.

Our Mission:

To promote culturally secure changes in thinking, policy, practice and in the delivery of programs about the connection of children and young people with their Aboriginal birth families.