Artist from the Kimberley
Glen Dixon is the 5th child born to Gordon Dixon and Betty Dixon nee(Hunter). Glen is one of eight children and was born, and grew up in Broome, Western Australia his tribal background is Bardi, Yaru and the Jabir-Jabir people from the coastal areas around Broome.
Glen’s partner of 21 years is Tracy May and together they have seven children, David, Laticia, Glen jnr, Samantha, Brittany, Austin and Victoria. Glen still does his traditional hunting and gathering on the land or sea teaching his kids the old way how it was shown to him by his people.
![Broome painting](
Glen states “I got my art from my father, I wanted him to do a drawing for me which gave me the inspiration to be an artist. I first started painting in school with Aboriginal dot painting, then moved onto TAFE to do art in general, to learn a wide range of different art mediums and other styles. I have now my own style of Aboriginal art “dot painting”. Aboriginal art is made up of four colours, which is white, brown, yellow and black, but I also add four other colours, which is green, orange, blue and red which is the colours I see from my country. Such as the trees, sunset, sunrise, the sea, the ocean, and the Pindan Cliffs. Most of my art is about painting animals, sea, land, gathering of bush fruits and shells from my country. The country I been brought up from”.
![Glen and Tracy](
Glen would be happy to hear from anyone if they would like to purchase one of his paintings, or if your agency would like to commission Glen to paint your agency a pacific painting then please contact Kinship Connections and we will forward your request on to him.
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