Kinship Connections WA (KCWA) is a not-for-profit charitable organisation and we rely on the support of our volunteers and sponsors. We are not government funded. We are a voluntary organisation and operate through donations from individuals, corporates and organisations.
We welcome all forms of donations at any time throughout the year. Your donation will assist KCWA with supporting the Aboriginal community in Western Australians to move towards a better future.
All donations will be greatfully accepted and distributed back into the community so it can be enjoyed by those in need.
There are several ways you can donate:
- A one-off donation via our website
- Leave a bequest to Kinship Connections WA in your Will or
- Become a regular giver and have a nominated amount deducted from your account each month
For other donations please complete the form below.
If you are using Paypal please use the DONATE button below:
Or alternatively donate directly to our account:
Account Name – Kinship Connections WA
BSB – 036 037
Account Number – 388 840
ABN – 50627745681
If you have goods to donate please fill in the form below.
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