Lee spent more than three decades in the Department for Child Protection and Family Support as a Social Worker throughout metropolitan and country Western Australia. During the latter part of her career she was the District Director in Midland for five years and then the Wheatbelt for five years. She originally joined the Department of Native Welfare in the late 1960s and spent time in the Murchison area, including Mount Magnet, Mullewa, Geraldton, Carnarvon and Meekatharra. Lee was and still is especially interested in working with and alongside Aboriginal families and communities. She has also spent time with the Plains Cree Indian people in Saskatchewan in Canada. In 2002 Lee was seconded to the Department of Indigenous Affairs at the request of their Director General and spent eight months in Kalgoorlie developing and improving service delivery to Aboriginal people in the Goldfields. Lee has served on a number of boards and committees, including FACT [Forgotten Australians Coming Together – for former child migrants and young people leaving care] for ten years, and continues to be a member of the Communities for Children Committee in the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring, and is the Chairperson for the Madjitil Moorna Choir which is an all-ages community choir, which sings Indigenous songs of reconciliation and healing. After leaving the CPFS Lee spent 18 months working with Ngala in Midland and Belmont, firstly as a Community Worker with the Swan Alliance – Communities for Children program [C4C] – in Midland and subsequently as Community Services Co-ordinator in the Belmont Office. Lee continues to be a member of the C4C Committee. Additionally, Lee is a Justice of the Peace and Civil Marriage Celebrant.


Lee Peters